Chaste Tree : A Herb for Balancing Hormones Naturally

Chaste Tree : A Herb for Balancing Hormones Naturally

Helps with:

  • Balancing
  • Female health
  • Natural rhythm
Botany by Beautifully Nourished. Reading Chaste Tree : A Herb for Balancing Hormones Naturally 2 minutes Next Jasmine : A Healing Herb to Soothe the Skin

Vitex angus - cactus

Family: Lamiaceae

Active Elements: Flowering tops, fruit, aromatic oil, rich in cineol flavonoids and iridoids.

Parts Used: Dried fruit

First up in the series Botany by Beautifully Nourished, we have the Chaste Tree. Pronounced "Chase Tree".

Chaste Tree, also known as Agnus Castus and "monk pepper" is a traditional herbal remedy, used for supporting the natural female cycle.

The chaste tree herb helps with:

  • Balancing
  • Female health
  • Natural rhythm
  • Relieving menstrual symptoms and pains
  • Regulation of irregular periods

The fruit has been found to act upon the pituitary gland to reduce pre-menstrual symptoms and regulate the menstrual cycle.  It does this by increasing the secretion of luteinising hormone, decreasing those of follicle stimulating hormone and balancing the production of the female hormones progesterone and oestrogen.

Many work with the herb in matters of both regulation and fertility.

Herbs for skin: Chaste Tree has can be used within the treatment of acne and blemish reduction.

Herbs for stress: Chaste Tree can help to stress, anxiety and mild insomnia

The Chase Tree Berry, Method of use:

1. Take 2 to 4g of the dried and crushed berry.
2. Infuse in boiling water as a tea

When used as a hormone regulator, to tackle painful periods and pms, start treatment one week before mensuration is due to begin (or one week to 10 days before the new moon if you cycle is not yet regulated).  

Stop treatment two days after your bleeding days come to an end (or 2 days after the new moon).

This can be repeated for each cycle, decreasing the dose when an improvement is noted.

Chase Tree Menopause: For Menopause, Chaste Tree Berry acts as an adaptogen with estrogen-balancing effects.  This may help to relieve hot flashes, insomnia, and mood changes.

Toxicity: Do not work with Chaste Tree should you be pregnant or breastfeeding or undergoing with IVF. 

Katherine Elyse Blake -  ANutr - BSC Nutrition


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