Barrier Repair Creams Explained

Barrier Repair Creams Explained

What is the skin barrier, and what purpose does it serve? 

The skin is made up of layers, each of which performs essential functions in protecting the body.

The outermost layer, the stratum corneum, is often described as a brick wall consisting of tough skin cells called corneocytes bound together by lipids. This is the composition of your skin barrier.

Inside the skin cells, there is keratin and natural moisturisers as the lipid layer contains cholesterol, fatty acids, and ceramides.

This skin barrier performs essential functions by protecting from all sorts of harmful environmental toxins and pathogens to penetrate your skin and cause damage to the body.

Additionally, without the skin barrier, the water inside the body would escape and evaporate, leaving it completely dehydrated.

For people with sensitive skin, it isn't easy to find a good skincare product, which is precisely why we have designed our skincare collection with sensitive skin in mind.  We know that the sensitive skin tribe often fear trying something new due to a fear of an allergy or a reaction and that the sensitive skinned cannot be left behind, without healing, protection and being exposed to environmental aggressors.

What is a Skin Barrier Repair Cream?

Barrier creams are similar moisturisers in function as they also lock moisture in the skin but a step ahead by repairing the skin's natural moisture barrier. This additional feature of barrier creams facilitates true healing and hydration.

The primary difference between moisturisers and barrier creams is that barrier creams are much thicker and are meant to repair damaged skin, while moisturisers are good at preventing damage.

"Both have their significance in your skincare routine, but if your skin is experiencing problems already, it is advisable to go with a skin barrier cream. Otherwise, moisturisers are also fine"!

Barrier creams are products that are applied to the skin's surface to help maintain its physical barrier. These products help protect the skin from irritations, environmental damage and water loss, which may lead to dryness and eczema flares.

Although the skincare industry has narrowed down five skincare types: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive, no skin story is the same.

Skin that is more susceptible to inflammation and reactions often calls for a little more love, care and TLC, often in the form of skin barrier repair creams.

How to Apply a Skin Barrier Cream?

Barrier creams provide ULTRA hydration.  Their main focus is to repair the skin barrier and allow the skin to heal itself.  Most good barrier repair creams will protect the skin for up to 12 hours.

To maximise the skin barrier cream results, we suggest applying Beautifully Nourished's Skin Rejuvenating Night Cream, post serum, each night before bed (It will also help to seal in your serum).  The richer formulation will protect and repair the skin whilst you sleep, with the antioxidant, botanical and active ingredient blend penetrating deep into the layers of skin.

Conclusively, the skin barrier is your body's frontline defence against pollutants the environment throws at you. Keeping your skin healthy is much more than a cosmetic concern. You can help repair your skin's barrier by simplifying your skincare regime.


By Ayesha Gulzar, PharmD, Doctor of Pharmacy, Research and Medicine
Editor and Founder: Katherine Elyse Blake, BSC Nutrition, ANutr

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