When You Take A Multivitamin Every Day, This Is What Happens

When You Take A Multivitamin Every Day, This Is What Happens

All of us strive to lead a healthy life, and for that, we eat right, work out and regulate our sleep patterns. Even after doing our best, we may suffer from dietary deficiencies, resulting in many health problems. But what is the solution to this? To make up for these deficiencies, we need multivitamins and nutrient supplements. Multivitamins help to improve our wellness and deal with the dietary shortcomings of a busy life.

What do Multivitamins do for the Body?

Multivitamins can improve health and even reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. They produce enzymes and hormones, boost immunity, improve body functions such as reproduction, maintenance, growth, etc

How to Choose a Multivitamin Each Day?

Choosing a suitable multivitamin once a day from a range of supplies available in the market is undoubtedly a tough choice. But ultimately, it's you who has to determine which multivitamin is right for you. Below in this article, we explore the few guidelines to help you navigate the multivitamin aisle.

Multivitamin Nutrition Value

Multivitamins optimum nutrition is the prime factor to determine its suitability. It is good to choose a multivitamin with 100%of the daily value of most of the ingredients. These nutrients will help to fulfil the dietary deficiencies.

The Right Balance Required by Age and Sex

There are different types of multivitamins depending upon the specifications regarding age, gender such as multivitamins for kids, multivitamins over 50, multivitamins for women etc. The requirement of the nutrients also depends on the physical requirements, such as premenopausal women need iron, while older adults need calcium, vitamin D, and B6.

Quantity of Essential Micronutrients

Our body needs micronutrients to keep the systems working. A good multivitamin contains many micronutrients, including well-known nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

  • Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin
  • B6, B12, and folate
  • Calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc
  • Vitamins A, E, and K
  • Vitamin D3

Shopping for and eating multivitamins regularly is the key to getting the nutrients you need.

Which Vitamins are Most Important?

There are more than 50 nutrients required for the body's metabolic processes and overall good health. Here are just afew of the most essential. 

Vitamin A – Also known as retinol, vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that improves skin health, restores the immune system, and is good for vision, particularly dim light. Natural food sources such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and melons.

Vitamin B – It is composed of eight B vitamins that help the body convert the food we eat into energy. Vitamin B improves energy levels, promote brain function, concentration and enhance memory. They are also helpful in reducing feelings of stress, anxiety and mood swings. Natural food sources include whole grains, meat, and eggs.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C can do miracles for your skin and connective tissues in the joints and skin. It helps to accelerate the process of wound healing and also reduces bruising. Vitamin C helps to fight the cold. Natural food sources are red peppers, strawberries, kiwis, and citrus fruits.

Vitamin D – Also known as the sunshine vitamin, regulates calcium and phosphorous in your body. Vitamin D has a significant role in maintaining bone density, proper functioning of the nervous system and supporting the immune system. A considerable number of the UK population have low levels of vitamin D. As most of the vitamin D in the body is sourced from the sun. Natural foods that contain vitamin D, such as eggs, oily fish, and mushrooms.

Vitamin EGood for skin health and circulation

Vitamin E is a very good and most crucial vitamin for healthy-looking skin. It gives protection from oxidants and free radicals and strengthens cell membranes. It plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin, vision, and immune function. Natural food sources are almonds and sunflower seeds.

Folic acid Folic acid, belonging to the vitamin B group, also known as vitamin B9, is vital for producing healthy cells and haemoglobin. It maintains normal homocysteine levels, supporting heart and cognitive function—the most important role of folic acid in preventing neural tube congenital disabilities in the foetus. Folic acid is usually added to make fortified cereals and flours. Other natural food sources include asparagus, dark leafy greens, and broccoli.

Calcium Healthy calcium levels are essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. It regulates muscle contractions, blood pressure and hormone secretion. Natural sources of calcium are dairy products, e.g. milk, yoghurt, and cheese.

Iron – Iron is required to produce red blood cells, haemoglobin and helps to supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body. It supports the production of neurotransmitters, hormones and collagen. Natural food sources include beans, lentils and shellfish.

Zinc Zinc is an essential building block of enzymes, proteins and cells. It plays a significant part in maintaining a robust immune system and supports skin health and wound healing. Zinc is also important for improving fertility. Natural food sources include spinach, oysters, and dark chocolate.

Magnesium Magnesium works in the conversion of food into energy. It also partners with calcium to perform normal muscle function, plays a role in blood clotting, and improve bone density. Natural food sources include pumpkin seeds, spinach, and black beans.

All of the above vitamins are found within Beautifully Nourished's 360, Turmeric Multivitamin.

The blend also features Grape Seed, Amino acids and more.  Beautifully Nourished's 360 Multivitamin will ensure that you keep all of your daily vitamins and minerals topped up and in consistent supply. 

Take away

While providing the body with nutrients that it needs can help you lead a healthy life. Taking a multivitamin every day helps to maintain daily and ongoing wellbeing. As we get older, the ability of the body to absorb nutrients is reduced. The health supplement will protect the organs, tissues, and skin to help them function properly—a good multivitamin help to fill any nutritional gaps. 

Dr Ayesha Gulzar, PharmD, Doctor of Pharmacy, 
Katherine Elyse Blake, BSC Nutrition, ANutr, Founder



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