Love Your Body

Love Your Body

 "Have a Love Affair with Yourself"

Love is the greatest and highest vibrational energy expression for us all. We love people, places, experiences, lessons and dreams and central to all of this should be love for ourselves.  Self love forms the core basis of how we show up in the world, to every relationship and every experience.  It is essential to show some love to ourselves, inclusive of our bodies.  A healthy body and high self-esteem help us enjoy the panoramic view of the world, spreading light, joy and contentedness wherever we go. 

Central to self love is regard for our own well-being and happiness.  It can be delivered to ourselves via the form of self understanding, compassion, nourishment and nurturing, taking action to preserve and improve our own health and protecting our own well-being and happiness.

How do we do this? How do we show love to ourselves?

The following techniques, inclusive of self-care, fitness, exploring our mental abilities and more are a great place to get started on the self and body love journey. We encourage you to attempt a portion of these to set you on your way. 

Take Out A Few Minutes for You

Making sure to take some time each week, just for you, participating in mind enriching activities such as running, strolling, or simply being can be precisely what we need in order to give our bodies that additional radiance and inner peace.  A still and calm mind is powerful and leads to clarity. It is not essential to hit the gym for an extravagant workout, a few minutes of yoga, meditation or a brisk walk can add physical and emotional strength to the body.

Skincare and Cleanliness

Treat the body to a steaming shower, and let those sensitive muscles and concerns getaway. Our Acai and Goji Berry Microdermabrasion Scrub is perfect to melt away any worries and soak into bliss.

Caring for our skin via delectable scents and the relieving sensation of clean are both unwinding and fulfilling, making for an ideal jolt of energy for those blah days.

Enjoy Something Delicious

Treat the body to a tasty smoothie or a colourful, delicious food that holds the power to nourish our cells. 

Treat Yourself to A Spa Day

Every so often, it's incredible to treat the body to a bit of spoiling and we don't need to break the bank to do this.  We can create a free, wellness and spa experience from the comfort of our homes. 

Creating a Wellness Retreat at Home

Paint your nails another tone, indulge in self massage or look to refresh your bed covers. Ponder what the body needs to feel better and find a way to honour those needs.  This is the ground work for all self and body care.

Get Some Sunshine

Times are certainly interesting at the moment and the new measures can be testing for our minds and limiting for our bodies, if we allow for this to be the case.  Whenever possible, make time to get outdoors daily, to breath in the fresh air and soak in the sun rays. 

The sun can shine an abundance of love down to the mind, soul and the body. Being outside and feeling the sun on the skin can be refreshing for the psyche and disposition.

Find Something that Inspires

When it comes to participating in self love, participating in activities that bring us joy and inspire us are key.  Find something that keeps motivation high. Anything from charity work, to reading new books, pursuing a side business, dancing, baking, anything you love, just for the fun of it or that you can bring your authentic self to and through. 

Dance Like No One's Watching

Commend the body by moving it proudly. Try not to stress what it looks like and your ability does not matter—wiggle to your favourite songs to relax and enjoy the moment.

Give Thanks to The Body ~ It is One of Our Three Homes (Mind, Body, Planet). 

We can be so hard on our bodies, often focusing on points to improve. Why do we do this?  Whilst the answer isn't always clear, a lot stems from social conditioning and habitual thinking.  To break free from this unloving trap, identify things that you truly love about your body and affirm them.  Give thanks to your legs for the gift of walking, or your arms for stirring your favourite cup of tea, give thanks for touch and the senses and remind yourself daily, that you are beautiful and you are worthy. 

We hope that you enjoyed your daily Self Love Fix.
With love, Beautifully Nourished x 
Dr Ayesha Gulzar, PharmD, Doctor of Pharmacy, Research and Medicine
Editor and Founder: Katherine Elyse Blake, BSC Nutrition, ANutr

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