The Beautifully Nourished Wellness Bible
Self Love & Relationships
Co-Dependency No More: Moving from Co-dependency to Interdependence
An interdependent relationship is a mutual give-and-take of emotional support, intimacy, and above all, trust. Many of us want to rely on our partner, but the romantic bond can turn into an unhealt...
Female Founder
Finding Balance with the Divine Feminine: The Missing Piece
Within all of us, regardless of our gender resides two energies, one Masculine, one Feminine. The Yin and the Yang.
Within each of us and within everything in the universe, there are masculine ...
Female Founder
Positive Self Talk, With Beautifully Nourished's Female Founder, Katherine Elyse Blake
....And I highly recommend you do the same, too. I find that there's a saying or mantra that I tend to remind myself of when I need a ...
Health & Wellness
15 Hacks for Self Healing
SELF-CARE IS NOT SELFISH...IT IS A JOURNEY INTO YOU!When it comes to self-healing, all of us have different choices, different needs, different wounds."Self care to me involves accepting all parts...
Health & Wellness
Celebrating the Divine Feminine
What is Divine Feminine?
The Divine Feminine, is not a gender, or gender specific. It lives and lies in all of us. Within today's culture pre-Covid, we celebrated an era of the masculine, doin...
Self Love & Relationships
Self-Care on a Bad Day
10 Steps to Self Care
Choose healthy options most of the time
It’s not about perfection.
Follow the 80/20 rule: Choose the healthy option
(food, exercise) 80% of the time.
Recognise ...
Self Love & Relationships
Practice Self Love this Valentine's Day
Happy Valentines Day Love Birds!
2021 is here and the dated notion of Valentine’s Day to celebrate romantic relationships alone is out and replaced with the celebration of love itself! Love of ot...
Self Love & Relationships
Love Stoned with Self Healing
It’s that month again, when the town is literally painted red with love hearts! We can easily fall in a daze when presented with beautiful red roses and a box of heart shaped chocolates. However al...
Self Love & Relationships
The Authentic Self
“To my daughter I will say, learn to see yourself without a mirror or a compliment”
Showing Up As Who You Are
Today we will journey to improve and develop our sense of self confidence. As we pro...